Bishop Edward J. Burns

Bishop Burns Crest

Bishop Burns joins Texas bishops in call for just and humane approach to migration

The bishops of Texas will continue to work with government officials and other people of good will to implement policies that recognize the dignity of every person, prioritize family unity, and address the root causes of forced migration, while respecting the right and responsibility of our country to secure its borders, regulate immigration in an orderly process, maintain the rule of law, and keep its communities safe and peaceful. 


CPLC to host annual respect life Mass

For more than two decades, Catholic Pro-Life Community, the respect life ministry of the Diocese of Dallas, has offered north Texans the opportunity to gather annually to celebrate life and bolster pro-life zeal in the community. This year, CPLC’s pro-life Mass and rally for life event is set to take place Jan. 18 at the National Shrine Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

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Bishop opens holy door, jubilee year with message of renewal

The faithful of the Diocese of Dallas gathered Dec. 29, 2024, at the National Shrine Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe for the opening Mass of the Jubilee Year of Hope. Bishop Edward J. Burns presided over the celebration on the feast of the Holy Family, delivering a homily filled with reflections on faith, renewal, and the enduring message of hope.

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Charting a future filled with hope

A historic moment for the Diocese of Dallas now turns its focus to the future of the Church in the diocese.
From Dec. 1-4, the Diocese of Dallas convened its first synod assembly in 90 years, marking a pivotal moment in the diocese’s 10-year journey of reflection and renewal.