Homilies must be prepared with the help of the Holy Spirit, be shorter than 10 minutes, and put the spotlight on the Lord, not oneself, Pope Francis said.
The guiding principle of love extolled by Jesus cuts through confusion around how to uphold God’s commandments to humanity, Pope Francis said.
Most people claim they want unity, but usually they mean they want others to unite around their own point of view, which gives rise to conflict, Pope Francis said.
While people can get caught up in the pursuit of power and greatness, Jesus teaches that true power is found in the humility of being a servant to the most vulnerable, Pope Francis said.
The 87-year-old Pope Francis publicly thanked God for allowing him “to do as an old pope what I would have liked to do as a young Jesuit,” and that is to travel to Asia to preach the Gospel.
It is not enough to know about Jesus, one must encounter Him, be changed by His Gospel, and follow Him, Pope Francis said.