When Kaden Polachek chose to attend Bishop Dunne Catholic School, he had his sights set on finding a school with a tradition of academic excellence and one that allowed him to stay connected with his Oak Cliff community of friends. At Bishop Dunne, Polachek discovered something more: the Catholic faith.
“When I think of faith, I think of service,” said Isabella Martinez, a 17-year-old rising senior at Bishop Dunne Catholic School, as she reflected on her school’s Community Service Club. Martinez founded the club in the fall of 2023 to offer Catholic high school students like herself the opportunity to live their faith through service to their local community.
When missionaries on the Diocesan Youth Mission Trip arrived in Costa Rica on June 5, they began their trip wide-eyed and unsure. Many of the high school students had never left the United States; some had never engaged in hard labor or gone without certain creature comforts. Stepping into an unfamiliar country with simple amenities and a slower pace of life, many of these high schoolers found themselves homesick, uncomfortable, and uncertain at the beginning of their trip.
With the observance of Catholic Schools Week each year, communities take time to celebrate all that endears them to their Catholic school — faith, fellowship, and academic success.
One aspect that makes Holy Trinity Catholic School special to its community is its focus on its “specials,” a term principal Kaitlyn Aguilar uses to describe the school’s co-curricular classes.
A win/win is how Diocese of Dallas Director of Security and Emergency Management Manny Sanchez described a security project partnership between his office and Bishop Dunne Catholic School’s geographic information systems class students.
Growing up in a devout Catholic home, Alex Rodriguez has always seen Easter weekend as a time of great celebration of his faith and his family. Rodriguez had even more reason to celebrate this year.
Mary Beth Marchiony’s five-year tenure at Bishop Dunne Catholic School will end in June with the veteran educator’s retirement. It began with a lengthy to-do list and will conclude in much the same frenetic manner.
Necessity combined with some quick-thinking innovation by staff members led to creation of a tool to help Bishop Dunne Catholic School senior Sylvester Lopez stay on track after an injury to his writing hand.
Students at Bishop Dunne Catholic School have long benefitted from the technological expertise of instructors Brad Baker and David Beattie. The school’s recent $375,000 upgrade of the labs in which their classes are taught will take that advantage to a higher level.
Faith, family and community. Lola Rodriguez credits those three aspects of her life with inspiring her to answer the call to become a Catholic school teacher.