Bishop Dunne Catholic School


Student’s club inspires community service among peers

“When I think of faith, I think of service,” said Isabella Martinez, a 17-year-old rising senior at Bishop Dunne Catholic School, as she reflected on her school’s Community Service Club. Martinez founded the club in the fall of 2023 to offer Catholic high school students like herself the opportunity to live their faith through service to their local community.

Holy Trinity Specials Classes-7063 (Demo)

Inspiring Holy Trinity students to develop talents, passion for learning

With the observance of Catholic Schools Week each year, communities take time to celebrate all that endears them to their Catholic school — faith, fellowship, and academic success.
One aspect that makes Holy Trinity Catholic School special to its community is its focus on its “specials,” a term principal Kaitlyn Aguilar uses to describe the school’s co-curricular classes.