
Priest’s first book prepares hearts for Christmas

Leading into the Advent season, Father Jason Cargo, pastor of St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church, has partnered with illustrator Dr. Allison Hsu to publish his first book, “Jesse Tree: A Catholic Journey for Advent,” which walks readers through each day of Advent with a Jesse Tree devotion.


Catholic groups merge events for giant pro-life youth rally before March for Life

Pro-life organizers are hoping to augment that sense of togetherness with the merger of two pre-march youth events, announced Nov. 14. The Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, and host of Life is VERY Good since 2009, and the Knights of Columbus and the Sisters of Life, co-hosts of Life Fest since 2022, are joining forces to create one big pro-life rally called Life Fest ahead of the 2025 March for Life Jan. 24.

Fifth-grade student David Silva wears a beekeeping suit while inspecting a beehive frame.

Mount St. Michael’s bee club combines faith, farming, and hands-on learning

Protected in big, white beekeeping gear, under a bright midday sun, fifth grade students David Silva and Nicolas McAllister carefully inspect beehive frames as hundreds of bees swarm around them. The boys look attentively at the frames; they note the color of the pollen, the amount of honey, the eggs; they try to spot the queen among the crawling hoard of yellow insects.