To the People of God in the Diocese of Dallas,
The bishops of Texas will continue to work with government officials and other people of good will to implement policies that recognize the dignity of every person, prioritize family unity, and address the root causes of forced migration, while respecting the right and responsibility of our country to secure its borders, regulate immigration in an orderly process, maintain the rule of law, and keep its communities safe and peaceful.
In exercising the basic human right of religious liberty, all Catholics, regardless of national origin or citizenship status, have a right to gather for the celebration of Mass and to receive the Sacraments without harassment or intimidation. Our priests, deacons, and lay ministers are available to provide pastoral services, to offer the Sacraments, humanitarian support, and to provide spiritual graces that God desires for all his people.
We invite you to read more here: Just and Humane Approach to Migration – Catholic Diocese of Dallas
Faithfully yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Edward J. Burns
Bishop of the Diocese of Dallas