For Rosemary Tarangioli, the decision to become a Catholic Pro-Life Community Project Gabriel angel was inspired by a simple message from a Catholic podcaster: If you are pro-life, take action!
From Feb. 14-16, more than 1,800 youth, young adults, and ministry leaders gathered at the Frisco Convention Center under the theme “Viva Cristo Rey!” to deepen their faith and strengthen their connection to Christ. It marked the largest attendance at a Dallas Catholic Youth Conference since the Diocese of Dallas initiative began in 2012.
I have lived in the Diocese of Dallas most of my life since coming to Holy Trinity Seminary as a junior in college in August 1976 when I was 20 years old. When I walked through the doors of the seminary, I knew that I wanted to stay, that I had to stay, that this was where I belonged.
Bishop Gregory Kelly’s installation as the fifth bishop of Tyler Feb. 24 marked not only a historic moment for the east Texas diocese but also filled its faithful with a sense of hope, faith, and excitement for the future.
Before Bishop Gregory Kelly was a priest or bishop, he was a boy in Colorado Springs playing kick the can, tossing baseballs, and pretending to be adventurers with his siblings; but even in those early days, his siblings said, hints of Bishop Kelly’s future vocation were already emerging.
The Gospel reminds us that the Good Shepherd knows His sheep, and they know Him, and He calls them by name to lead them where they are needed most (John 10:14-16). In the same way, we trust in God’s providence as He now calls Bishop Greg Kelly to shepherd a new flock in east Texas.
The Catholic Foundation board of trustees has elected Tom Yoxall as board chair, succeeding Dan Odom who served as board chair the past two years. The board also elected three new trustees: Mark Koch, Carolyn Shaw, and Sinead Soesbe.
Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas junior Luke Nettune has been named the 28th annual recipient of the Hal Tehan Scholar Award.
Joined by Bishop Edward J. Burns and Dr. Rebecca Hammel, superintendent of Dallas Catholic Schools, the Bishop Dunne community came together to honor Clifford for being named the 2025 Texas Catholic Conference Bishops’ High School Teacher of the Year.
St. Mark Catholic School in Plano hosted its first alumni assembly, “Honoring the Past, Inspiring the Future,” on Jan. 27.