St.Pat-ScoutSunday_AW-13 (Demo)

Scouts honored for faith, service to parish community

On Feb. 4 at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Dallas, Scouts from Troop 719 stood before the congregation during a Scout Sunday Mass as they received recognition for their accomplishments. But Scouts were not just at the front of the church; they were also altar servers, ushers, and even after-Mass donut servers. They were everywhere in places of service, which is fitting for a troop that is so service- and church-oriented. 

St. Patrick_Father Josef Mass-6904 (Demo)

Community wishes fond farewell to pastor emeritus

The community of St. Patrick Catholic Church of Dallas packed the sanctuary Jan. 6 as Auxiliary Bishop Greg Kelly concelebrated a 5 p.m. vigil Mass for the Epiphany of the Lord preceding a “Fond Farewell” reception for Father Josef Vollmer-König, who served as the parish’s pastor and then pastor emeritus.