Father Alex Fry


Father Fry: The light shines in the darkness

In a special way during Advent, we unite ourselves in prayer with the sentiments of the Blessed Mother who in silent waiting carried the hidden Savior within her womb for nine months. Mary in turn intercedes for us, as faith, hope, and joy are born again in our hearts as we wait expectantly for the birth of her Son.


Mother of all the Living: Celebrating Respect Life Month with Mary

Every October, as Catholics, we celebrate Respect Life Month. This month-long campaign of prayer and advocacy began in October of 1972, the year before Roe v. Wade. Fifty years later, and following the historic overruling of Roe last year, the Church continues to pray for the protection of every human life, to defend it from conception to natural death, and to witness to the dignity of each and every human person.

1A group shot in front of seminary

Into the Wild Places

In the Judeo-Christian worldview, the wilderness has always been a place of divine encounter. Think Moses and the burning bush, Elijah on Mount Horeb, Jesus in the desert. Often God leads his people into the wild places in order to reveal himself in a new way and to strengthen them for mission. And He is still doing it today.