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New Art on the Plaza winner inspires others to keep ‘Looking Up’
Deborah Boschert stands before her artwork, “Looking Up,” the 2023 winner of The Catholic Foundation’s Art on the Plaza competition. (Amy White/The Texas Catholic)
By Amy White
The Texas Catholic
“There’s this suggestion of wide-open space, this blue sky. The sun is shining. There’s movement of the birds. We don’t know where they’re going or where they’ve been, which is part of the story of hope—that it’s ongoing,” said Deborah Boschert, 2023 winner of The Catholic Foundation Art on the Plaza competition.
Boschert’s original piece, an art quilt collage titled “Looking Up,” depicts the sunny scene described above. The piece represents this year’s competition theme: hope.
“Looking Up” was presented at a dedication ceremony on Oct. 24 and will remain on display for one year on the Catholic Foundation’s public art wall near The National Shrine Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Read more in the Nov. 3 print edition of The Texas Catholic.

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