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Historic diocesan synod assembly stands as a testament to our vibrant faith, community

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

On Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2024, we concluded the Diocese of Dallas Synod 2024 Assembly. This entire synodal process has been a blessing for the Diocese, and I offer prayers of thanksgiving. This journey has been a testament to the vibrant faith and commitment of our Diocesan community. Today, I write to share a brief recap of the four-day Synod Assembly and to express my deep appreciation to Auxiliary Bishop Greg Kelly, Chancellor Greg Caridi, especially to the Executive Director of the Synod Lacy de la Garza, as well as the 284 delegates, and the many staff and volunteers who participated in this transformative process.

I saw a need for a Diocesan Synod during the historic pandemic, when our pews were empty, our pulpits silent, and our altars were barren. I knew we needed to do something historic to compensate for this pandemic. The fruits of the Synod, I believe, will help re-envision the sense of proclaiming the Gospel message and bringing forth the mission of Jesus Christ here in north Texas and in our Diocese of Dallas.

The Diocesan Synodal process began on Dec. 12, 2021, on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Subsequently, 30 listening sessions unfolded over the next years. Those sessions were attended by more than 9,000 faithful. Your engagement generated more than 4,000 single-spaced pages of invaluable insights. Through the dedication of a 27-member preparatory commission, these were distilled into 1,356 resolution ideas. With the expert guidance of our Chancellor, Greg Caridi, this list was further refined to 376 actionable resolutions.

These resolutions became the focus of our Synod Assembly, a remarkable gathering where delegates from all over the nine counties of the Diocese worked prayerfully to give me a suggested path forward for our Diocese. As we look ahead, an implementation team of about 30 individuals will take on the important task of helping me to review and discern the desires of the Synod Assembly, bringing those resolutions to life, which will help the Diocese to flourish.

The Synod Assembly delegates embraced the sacredness and importance of this process. They created an environment and an atmosphere of dialogue that included the utmost respect for each other, affording all the delegates of the Synod to be free to step forward to offer their insights and suggestions. This truly established a prayerful and intentional community.

As I listened and welcomed the interventions from the floor of the Synod, I was pleased to hear how they highlighted priestly vocations as a priority, along with the sacredness of life, establishing a safe environment, and recognizing that the Diocese of Dallas is growing.

The delegates took seriously the need to address the ideologies of today with a clear voice, as well as to establish a firm understanding of Catholic identity within all of our schools and programs.

It was clear that the delegates desired to increase the level of catechesis and formation for all those who are preparing for the sacraments, to help them become stronger members of the Catholic faith and assist them in strengthening their families.

The deliberations also included the necessity for the Church to accompany the members of the faithful throughout the course of their lives, especially during difficult times, such as marital issues and tragic moments in life, as well as celebrating with them, the joyful moments of marriage and baptisms, and all the fulfilling moments of life. The delegates of the Synod ask that the Church be with them and support them from “the womb to the tomb.”

The work of the Synod is not complete. This gathering showed me the heartfelt desires of the faithful – with their hopes and determination to build a stronger, holier, and mission-driven Diocese that will continue to fulfill Christ’s words: “You are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my Church” (Matthew 16:18).

This Synod process is a blessing for me personally as your shepherd. It binds me close to you in continuing my work of leading this Diocese. I’m grateful for your participation and your prayers.

I invite you, my dear brothers and sisters, to remain rooted in prayer as we take these next steps. Let us continue to embrace our mission as the people of God.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Rev. Bishop Edward J. Burns
Diocese of Dallas

Cutline for featured image: Bishop Edward J. Burns delivers his homily during the closing Mass of the Diocese of Dallas Synod Assembly on Dec. 4 at the Dallas-Fort Worth Marriott hotel in Irving. (Michael Gresham/The Texas Catholic)

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