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University of Dallas to host first Dallas GIVEN Gathering

By Amy White
The Texas Catholic

An inaugural Dallas GIVEN Gathering is set to take place at the University of Dallas in Irving, Feb. 15. The one-day event offers lay and religious women of all ages an opportunity to discover and activate their God-given gifts alongside likeminded women.

Originally formed by the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious, The GIVEN Institute is a response to Pope Francis’ call for Church engagement in the formation of missionary disciples. The not-for-profit is devoted to empowering both lay and religious women to utilize their gifts in a practical way for the benefit of the Church and the world.

“A Church without a healthy representation of holy, healthy femininity is not a healthy Church,” said Sister Mary Gabriel Devlin, S.V., GIVEN president and chair of the board. “This mission [of GIVEN] is creating an atmosphere and an environment for women in the Church to know their profoundly beautiful identity as daughters of God and to know that there’s a place for them and their gifts.”

Since its first forum in 2016, GIVEN has provided faith formation and leadership development to more than 4,400 women. Among the resources offered by the institute are biannual forums, the Art of Accompaniment Mentoring Program, and a GIVEN Alumnae Network, in addition to the regional GIVEN gatherings. The fruits of these formation opportunities are bountiful, Sister Devlin shared, and include the creation of FIERCE Athlete, a nonprofit to support and defend women in sports; Arthouse2B, an initiative to cultivate connection between Catholic artists; and Hearts of Joy International, an organization that provides cardiac treatment to children with Down syndrome in developing countries.

“The ripple effect of young women recognizing the gifts that God’s given them and really having the courage to step out and do something, dream with God,” she said, “is just literally abundant.”

Dallas gathering

The upcoming Dallas GIVEN Gathering is one of the institute’s one-day, regional events meant to give women of all ages a glimpse of what GIVEN has to offer.

“It’s a little oasis to receive the truth of how God sees [the participants] as women and His daughters,” Sister Devlin said, “and to rekindle or refresh or renew the truth that they have specific gifts that God needs and is eager to use in the world.”

The gathering will include small group discussions; confession, adoration, and Mass; and talks from a range of speakers focused on the three GIVEN pillars: receive the gift you are, realize the gifts you’ve been given, and respond with the gift only you can give.

Sister Devlin, who is a UD alumna, said that she is thrilled the gathering will be hosted at her alma mater for the first time.

“I remember being at the University of Dallas years and years ago and becoming aware of women in the church like Helen Alvaré or Mary Ann Glendon who at the time were serving the Church in pretty dramatic and profound ways,” Sister Devlin said. “I remember thinking, ‘I want more of that. I want opportunities to be around women like this. I want opportunities to be inspired.’”

The Dallas gathering, Sister Devlin suggested, will provide Dallas-area women with the occasion to be inspired by other women eager to pursue excellence in their calling, whatever it may be.

“There’s something that happens when you’re in a room with people who are thirsty for the Lord and ready to receive His word,” Sister Devlin said of the event. “Let’s set all of our hearts on fire together.”

To learn more or buy tickets to the gathering, visit

Cutline for featured image: Lay and religious women attend the GIVEN Catholic Young Women’s Leadership Forum June 2024 at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. (The GIVEN Institute photo)

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