

Catholic groups merge events for giant pro-life youth rally before March for Life

Pro-life organizers are hoping to augment that sense of togetherness with the merger of two pre-march youth events, announced Nov. 14. The Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, and host of Life is VERY Good since 2009, and the Knights of Columbus and the Sisters of Life, co-hosts of Life Fest since 2022, are joining forces to create one big pro-life rally called Life Fest ahead of the 2025 March for Life Jan. 24.

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U.S. Catholics urged to pray novena for life Jan. 16-24

The U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities is inviting Catholics nationwide to pray “9 Days for Life” Jan. 16-24. The annual Respect Life novena encompasses observance of the annual Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children, which is Jan. 22.