Father Jacob Dankasa


Father Dankasa: My heart is God’s dwelling place

As God lives in our hearts, we need to keep them clean so that we can hear his voice. A clean heart avoids places that pollute the mind; a clean heart speaks words that build, not destroy; a clean heart catches the tongue before it gets loose into profanity; a clean heart listens to others and is empathetic to others’ needs; a clean heart doesn’t wish evil for anyone.


Father Dankasa: When I run toward God

We have all experienced moments of varying emotions — some sad, some happy. Humans have different ways of handling or showing emotions, and being emotional is not always a negative thing. In fact, I feel that emotions bring out our humanity, and we must not be shy or afraid to show emotion even as we try to control outbursts of excessive and negative emotions.


Father Dankasa: A missionary culture that heals

When I was reflecting on what to write for this column, I thought of the story of the Good Samaritan as narrated in the Gospel of Luke 10:25-37. But the term “missionary culture” kept popping into my head. I had no idea what a missionary culture would be in this context, and I haven’t heard or read about it before. But with further reflection and prayer I concluded that I could come to a new definition of the term “missionary culture” in light of the inspiration I was receiving. I wish to share with you the product of my reflection on what I understand “missionary culture” to mean in the context of the parable of the Good Samaritan.

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Father Dankasa: Bringing the young back to the Church

When the Lord appeared to two of his followers on their way to Emmaus, it was obvious that the men were cold, disappointed, and confused about all that had happened in recent times, especially the crucifixion of the man called Jesus. They were at a loss as to what they could do now that he was no more. And even though they had heard rumors of his rising, they couldn’t verify that they were true. This was a cold moment, a moment of decision. Should they continue to believe in the teachings of a man who had died, or begin a different way of life? It’s obvious that the discouragement of these two disciples at this point far outstripped their hope.

Teen prays during Mass at New York church

Father Dankasa: Why should we sacrifice?

The word sacrifice means several things. In a religious or cultic sense, it may mean “the offering of animal, plant, or human life or of some material possession to a deity, as in propitiation or homage” But in everyday usage it may mean the giving up of something that is considered valuable by one person for something of higher value or for a good that may benefit someone else.

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Father Dankasa: Focusing on the spirituality of service

Many of us want to grow in holiness and draw closer to God. Our perception of our personal holiness or closeness to God often revolves around how many prayers we say, how many spiritual books we read, how often we attend church, how often we receive the sacraments of the Eucharist and Penance, or whether we are good parents or good people. Yes, these are excellent steps toward holiness and closeness to God, and I encourage and recommend that we all practice them.