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Father Garrett: Diocese looks to inspire new vocations

By Father Mark Garrett
Special to The Texas Catholic

After Jesus’ Resurrection, the last chapter of John’s Gospel tells us that Jesus revealed Himself to His disciples as they were fishing. The disciples had been fishing all night and had caught nothing, but Jesus came into their midst and asked them to try once more: “Cast the net over the right side of the boat, and you will find something.” The disciples trusted Christ and put their effort behind that trust, and they filled their nets that day. It is with this same confidence that we embark again on our shared mission to promote priestly and religious vocations.

The Casting the Net program relies on the twofold trust and effort the disciples displayed in John’s Gospel. Like the disciples, we trust in God’s providence, and we know He always provides what we need. Our trust means we believe that vocations to the priesthood and religious life already exist within the 74 parishes across the Diocese of Dallas. However, it is not simply faith in this reality that is needed. Like the disciples, we must not simply believe the fish are in the sea—we must be willing to lower our nets and help haul them ashore.

What this looks like for us is simple. On the week of Nov. 2-10, we will ask every parish and school in our diocese to nominate young men and women to receive a letter notifying them that someone sees in them the possibility of a priestly or religious vocation. The forms will be filled out in the pews of our parishes and schools or online at This is not an opportunity to nominate every child in faith formation at a particular parish. Instead, we ask everyone to prayerfully and thoughtfully consider the qualities you hold dear in these vocations and to nominate young men and women who you see living those qualities. It should also be noted that for all those under the age of 18, these letters will be sent to their parents, allowing the parents to rightly fill the role of fostering vocations within their home.

Vocations to the priesthood and religious life exist in our parishes, our schools, and our homes. As you discern who to nominate as a possible vocation, please pray for our priests, for our parishes, for our schools, and for the families that make up the Diocese of Dallas. Those who will feed the next generation are already in our pews—now we must invite them to consider answering the call.

Cutline for featured image:  Father Elmer Herrera-Guzman, pastoral administrator of Holy Cross Catholic Church, visits with participants at a Diocese of Dallas St. Andrew’s Dinner at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church on Feb. 22. A St. Andrew’s Dinner is an evening for high school aged or older men who would like to explore more about the priesthood. (MICHAEL GRESHAM/The Texas Catholic)

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