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Bishop Kelly: Reflecting on the great love and mercy of God

Pilgrimage to Mexico, Day 3: August 9, 2024

Our group visited the Church of the Fifth Apparition today, where Mary revealed her name to the uncle of Juan Diego, Juan Bernardino, and healed him. She appeared to him at the same time that Juan Diego opened his tilma revealing the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, as the Castilian roses fell to the ground at the feet of Bishop Juan Zumarraga in the presence of at least a dozen other people gathered in the room with him. With modern scientific examination it is possible to see in the eye of the Virgin on the tilma at least 12 other human figures, images of people of different classes and social standing, including the translator between the bishop and Juan Diego, and two families with the images of several children. These appear to be the focus of the Virgin’s attention as she faces them most directly. The shadow of her head is also visible at the bottom of the image from her eye. The light comes from behind her indicating that she is not the source of the light, rather a creature suffused with it. (These details from a lecture on Thursday by Luis Fernando Castañeda Monter during the visit to the basilica.) 

The great love and mercy of God, of which Mary is an instrument, helps us on our pilgrimage to know and to follow Christ, the Light of the world, the light shining in the darkness; a darkness which does not overcome it. (John 8: 12; 1: 5). May he enlighten the darkness of our hearts, heal our blindness, and help us to grow as his servants.