As people of faith, we are all on a journey toward God. The reason we go to church or call ourselves Christians is our desire to be with God when our earthly journey is over. Our faith teaches us that there is life after death and that we shall live in eternity with God if we keep His commandments and remain in His ways. Our love for God draws us toward Him and fuels our desire to be with Him. Although our human imperfections make it difficult to remain faithful to God’s ways all the time, God’s mercies sustain our hope and give us reason to keep trying to stay in God’s paths regardless of our shortcomings.
The faithful gathered April 15 at Holy Family of Nazareth Catholic Parish in Irving for a Diocese of Dallas Synod listening session on Sacraments and Sacramental Preparation.
Have you ever wondered why Jesus told one of his closest friends — Peter — to “Get behind me, Satan!”? (Matthew 16:23). This was the man who had just proclaimed that Jesus was “… the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16), and Jesus had responded in the presence of everyone, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father” (Matthew 16:17). But almost immediately this conversation changed, and Jesus referred to him as “Satan.” Note that this conversation occurred after Jesus had told his disciples about his coming suffering, and that it would lead to his dying on the cross. Then Peter took him aside and said, in more modern terms, “No way. Ain’t gonna happen.” Ordinarily, we should be happy with a friend who comes to us at a time of trouble and says, as Peter said to Jesus, “God forbid, Lord! No such thing shall ever happen to you” (Matthew 16:22). But Jesus was not fooled by that gesture because, although it sounded caring and concerned, it was a voice from the Enemy.