Over a three-day period, representatives from 34 parishes, schools and religious organizations throughout the Diocese of Dallas had the opportunity to focus on the future of youth ministry in the Catholic Church thanks to a Summit offered by the Diocese of Dallas Office of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministries.
The spark of true love can be ignited in countless ways. For Deacon Mike and Cathie Seibold, it started by mistake.
As we come to celebrate Father’s Day, I wanted to write to you from a dad to a dad. Thank you for all you do every single day for your family, especially your little ones.
Calling it a privilege and an honor, Bishop Edward J. Burns ordained 17 men as permanent deacons for the Diocese of Dallas during a Mass celebrated May 21 at St. Gabriel the Archangel Catholic Church in McKinney.
The sun shone brightly that day on the 108-year-old sanctuary, which was filled to capacity with slightly more than 400 congregants, as Bishop Edward J. Burns helped Father Stephen Mocio celebrate St. Patrick Catholic Church’s 150th anniversary in Denison. The parish, located about two miles south of the Red River, is home to around 1,000 families.
Moreno named diocesan Director of Evangelization, Catechesis and Family Life By Michel Gresham The Texas Catholic Following a call to…
From staff reports On March 1, 2022, Bishop Edward J. Burns announced updates to the Phase 3 Decree outlining the…
When hundreds of young Catholics converge on Frisco later this month, it will mark the much-anticipated return of a weekend of fellowship and faith sidelined since 2020 because of the pandemic.
Perhaps the four most impactful words Barbara Landregan has said in her life are “It’s not your fault.” She has said those words many times over the 14 years she was director of the Safe Environment Program for the Dallas Diocese, up until her retirement in December.