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07 Apr: Father Esposito: The plea of an atheist for biblical beauty

The Polish poet Czeslaw Milosz, winner of the Nobel Prize for literature in 1980, declared in a book of prose that “the Scriptures constitute the common good of believers, agnostics, and atheists.” For Milosz, whose life was scarred by the Nazi and Communist takeovers of his native land, the moral authority and literary beauty of the Bible was a refuge against the lethal and banal propaganda spewed forth from those godless governments and armies, even though he could not bring himself to believe in God.


28 Mar: St. Rita school community rallies to support Ukraine

Agnès Denvir teaches Spanish and other foreign languages to fifth and sixth graders at St. Rita Catholic School. The French native speaks a dozen languages, can read about a half dozen more, yet struggled to find the proper words to describe the recent Ukrainian support efforts at the school — begun at her urging — that raised more than $25,000.

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27 Mar: Serving with great joy and love

In the more than two decades that John and Dorrie O’Mara have been parishioners at St. Gabriel the Archangel Catholic Church of McKinney, they have donated their time and effort to various charitable causes. This year, they will receive the Bishop’s Award for Service to the Church to honor their benevolence.