
Soldiers Angels at Holy Cross

Holy Cross teams with nonprofits to aid veterans, military personnel

A collaborative effort between an Oak Cliff parish and two nonprofits on Sept. 8 aimed to aid Dallas-area veterans, military personnel and their families.
Coordinated by Soldiers’ Angels in cooperation with Holy Cross Catholic Church and the North Texas Food Bank, the food distribution at the parish was open to families of veterans and active-duty service members, guardsmen and reservists. It marked the first military and food distribution event the nonprofit has offered in the Dallas area.

Prince of Peace Blue Ribbon social 4

Prince of Peace Catholic School named a 2023 National Blue Ribbon School

Blue and white balloons were flying, and students, faculty and families were loudly cheering on Tuesday, Sept. 19, as the U.S. Department of Education announced that Prince of Peace Catholic School has officially been named a 2023 National Blue Ribbon School. With this year’s recognition, Prince of Peace is now a three-time National Blue Ribbon School (2006, 2016, 2023).

1A group shot in front of seminary

Into the Wild Places

In the Judeo-Christian worldview, the wilderness has always been a place of divine encounter. Think Moses and the burning bush, Elijah on Mount Horeb, Jesus in the desert. Often God leads his people into the wild places in order to reveal himself in a new way and to strengthen them for mission. And He is still doing it today.