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St. Elizabeth Ann Seton community celebrates dedication of new church building

Nine angelic figures, bedecked in blue and gold behind the sanctuary; magnificent ceilings, arched towards the heavens; brilliant, crystal light beaming through windows of green, blue, red; intricate Italian sculptures of faith giants, those who have gone to glory in the eternal kingdom—These are the features, not of some far away, ancient basilica but of the very near, very new church building at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Community in Plano.

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St. Andrew’s Dinner offers opportunities for dialogue on discernment

Sixty-two young men, high-school-aged or older, and their families attended the St. Andrew’s Dinner sponsored by the Diocese of Dallas Office of Vocation on Nov. 7 at Holy Trinity Seminary. A St. Andrew’s Dinner provides an opportunity for young men interested in priestly vocations to meet, pray, dialogue, and dine with the bishop and diocesan priests in a “no pressure” atmosphere.


Raising hopes, funds for Honduras

On Saturday, Nov. 11, Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Plano is hosting its 4th Annual Hope for Honduras 5k, which will take place at Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas. The event is a fundraiser for POP’s sister parish, La Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Las Mercedes (The Parish of Our Lady of the Mercies), located in El Progreso, Honduras.