Special to The Texas Catholic
All Saints Catholic Church announced this week that His Eminence Peter Ebere Cardinal Okpaleke from Nigeria will visit the All Saints community on June 11. Cardinal Okpaleke is the bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Ekwulobia: the home Diocese of our Pastoral Administrator, Father Jovita Okoli. His Eminence is a distinguished Catholic leader, scholar, and pastor, who brings a wealth of spiritual insights and guidance to the community.
During his visit, Cardinal Okpaleke will lead the Corpus Christi Procession, which follows the 11 a.m. Mass. This is a solemn and joyous occasion that celebrates the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist and invites all to join in a public demonstration of faith and unity.
Following the procession, Cardinal Okpaleke will celebrate a 1 p.m. Mass. After the Mass, there will be a reception in the gym, where Cardinal Okpaleke will greet the attendees and bless them with his presence and wisdom.
Learn more about the Cardinal Okpaleke’s visit at www.allsaintsdallas.org/cardinalvisit.