As the church prepares to commemorate the World Day of Migrants and Refugees in September, Pope Francis launched a video campaign meant to highlight the spiritual and cultural contributions that migrants bring to people’s lives.
Celebrating the feast day of Jesus’ grandparents, Pope Francis not only urged people to honor their elders, but he asked them to think about what they will hand on to future generations.
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service EDMONTON, Alberta — After a flight of more than 10 hours from Rome, Pope…
The Gospel story of the sisters Mary and Martha, one sitting at Jesus’ feet and the other making sure their guest was served, is a lesson to Christians that every good deed done for others should flow from listening to God’s word, Pope Francis said.
The “sense of mystery” and awe Catholics should experience at Mass is not one prompted by Latin or by “creative” elements added to the celebration, but by an awareness of sacrifice of Christ and his real presence in the Eucharist, Pope Francis said.
The Catholic Church professes marriage and family life to be a path to holiness — a daunting concept — but one that can start with a tiny step, Pope Francis said.
VATICAN CITY — Elderly Christians are called to bear witness to the strength that comes from God, especially when moments of frailty and weakness make them dependent on others, Pope Francis said.
When received with faith, the Eucharist not only nourishes and satisfies one’s hunger for consolation and love, but gives Christians the strength to nourish others, Pope Francis said.
People have a responsibility to care for the elderly and cherish their wisdom rather than regard them as a burden on society, Pope Francis said. Instead of learning from older generations, those who ascribe to the throwaway culture prevalent in today’s world seek to “erase the elderly,” the pope said June 15 at his weekly general audience in St. Peter’s Square.
Pope Francis expressed his solidarity and closeness with Catholics in Nigeria after gunmen stormed a church and reportedly killed at least 50 people during a Pentecost Mass.