

Far away, but always together

Though she lives 2,000 miles away from Dallas, Ileana Valdez never forgets the life lessons she learned from her mother, Estela.
Since the days of her childhood, technology and the love for engineering have been passions that Ileana has nurtured with her mother’s help and inspiration. That passion keeps them even closer today while she resides in Seattle, working for a cybersecurity company.

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Father Dankasa: Focusing on the spirituality of service

Many of us want to grow in holiness and draw closer to God. Our perception of our personal holiness or closeness to God often revolves around how many prayers we say, how many spiritual books we read, how often we attend church, how often we receive the sacraments of the Eucharist and Penance, or whether we are good parents or good people. Yes, these are excellent steps toward holiness and closeness to God, and I encourage and recommend that we all practice them.


Father Esposito: The plea of an atheist for biblical beauty

The Polish poet Czeslaw Milosz, winner of the Nobel Prize for literature in 1980, declared in a book of prose that “the Scriptures constitute the common good of believers, agnostics, and atheists.” For Milosz, whose life was scarred by the Nazi and Communist takeovers of his native land, the moral authority and literary beauty of the Bible was a refuge against the lethal and banal propaganda spewed forth from those godless governments and armies, even though he could not bring himself to believe in God.